How To Fatten Up Sheep Quickly?

How To Fatten Up Sheep Quickly?

Sheep is one of the important breeds in traditional animal husbandry. Fat sheep not only taste delicious but also have high market value. But in the process of sheep fattening, it is not an easy task to achieve success. Here we share several aspects and techniques for how to quickly fatten sheep successfully.

1. Choosing the Right Sheep for Fattening

There are many different breeds of sheep, and each breed has different growth rates, growth cycles, and feeding habits. However, there are some sheep breeds that have genetic traits for faster growth and better feed conversion rates. Breeds such as Dorper, Suffolk, Texel, and Australian White are specifically appropriate for this function. These types are recognized for their remarkable feed conversion rates and growth rates, which make them ideal prospects for quick weight gain.

Breed Qualities
Dorper Known for high feed conversion effectiveness, rapid growth, and versatility in various environments.
Suffolk Exceptional muscular tissue advancement, high development rates, and excellent carcass quality.
Australian White High growth price, great meat top quality, and strength in various ecological conditions.

Elements to Consider

When selecting sheep for fattening, consider the following factors to optimize their development potential:

Genetics: Choose lamb from lines with a tried and tested performance history of quick weight gain and high feed effectiveness.

Age: Younger sheep, specifically lambs, have higher development prices and can transform feed more effectively into body mass.

Wellness: Ensure the sheep are without conditions and bloodsuckers to stop any obstacles in their development.

By meticulously picking the appropriate breeds and taking into consideration these variables, you can dramatically boost the efficiency of your fattening program, and bring about quicker and healthier weight gain in your sheep.


2. Making a Reasonable Feed Mix

Sheep feed is the key to fast fattening. In order to make sheep grow fat quickly, the feed must be rich in energy and protein and have the necessary nutrients. They include:

High-energy Diets: Feed sheep high-energy concentrates like corn, barley, oats, or commercial sheep finishing pellets. These feeds are calorie-dense and help in rapid weight gain.

Protein-rich Supplements: Incorporate protein sources such as soybean meal, canola meal, or cottonseed meal to support muscle development and overall growth.

Premium Forage: Provide high-quality forages such as alfalfa or clover, which are rich in nutrients. Good quality hay or silage can also support healthy weight gain.

Balanced Rations: Ensure the diet is balanced with the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and concentrates. Here we recommend that “30% concentrated feed + 50% roughage + 10% protein feed + 10% fresh grass” is a more appropriate ratio for feeding.

*Useful Tips Here

Foods that cannot be fed to sheep:

1. Do not feed sheepgrass with dew, as it will cause rumen flatulence.

2. Do not feed sheepsorghum, corn seedlings, sprouted potatoes, or black-spotted sweet potatoes, as they can easily lead to sheep hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

3. Do not feed sheepmoldy feed, as it will cause sheep mycotoxin poisoning.

Fresh Grass


3. Keeping the Sheep’s Appetite Strong

Since we are fattening the sheep, the primary thing to do is to keep the sheep’s appetite strong to avoid the sheep’s dislike of eating grass or indigestion. In this case, we can strengthen the sheep’s stomach by using: Quick Fattener for Cattle and Sheep. This feed additive is mainly developed for large livestock such as cattle and sheep. Firstly, it contains Chinese herbal probiotics for fattening, which is currently a green and safe method of fattening. In addition, the rich vitamins and trace elements ingredients also ensure the nutritional intake of sheep, which can make the sheep grow faster and gain weight faster. Finally, the special enzyme can enhance sheep’s gastric motility, promote rumination, enhance digestion, and improve feedstuff conversion rate.



4. Providing Adequate Drinking Water

Water is a necessary condition for sheep growth. Adequate water sources can help sheep absorb nutrients better, enhance their immunity, and improve their survival ability. So you should supply water quantitatively according to the weight and food consumption of sheep. Ensure that the water source is clean and hygienic, and change the water regularly.


5. Paying Attention to Health Management

During fattening, the sheep should be regularly checked for health. They mainly include:

Regular Deworming and Vaccinations

Protect sheep from parasites and diseases that can impede growth. Regular health checks and preventive treatments are crucial. When deworming, for penned sheep, we can mix ivermectin powder in the feed, which has a good effect on expelling worms in the sheep; for free-range sheep, we can use ivermectin transdermal solution, which can be directly poured on the back of the sheep, which can also achieve a good external deworming effect.

Stress Reduction

Minimize stress by handling sheep gently and providing a calm environment. Stress can negatively affect their digestive efficiency and overall health.


6. Maintain a Good Breeding Environment

The breeding environment of sheep plays a very important role in the success of fattening. If the breeding environment is clean, sanitary, and comfortable, they will not be troubled by various diseases and will grow meat and fat quickly. Therefore, we should clean the fence regularly, disinfect it regularly, and create a healthy environment for the growth of sheep.

Besides, we should pay attention to the stocking density of sheep. Ensure that there is enough space for each sheep to reduce competition for food and stress, which can affect eating patterns and growth.

Sheep Housing Environment


7. Monitoring and Adjusting at Appropriate Time

Regular Weighing: Monitor the weight gain of sheep regularly to ensure that the feeding strategy is effective. Adjust the diet as needed based on growth rates and health status.

Feed Efficiency: Keep track of how much feed is being consumed relative to weight gain. This helps in optimizing feed formulations and quantities.



Fattening sheep must be done in all aspects simultaneously, and it is impossible to achieve good results by relying solely on any feed. By involving a combination of the right sheep, rich diets, enough water, excellent health management, and timely adjustment, farmers can efficiently increase the weight and improve the meat quality of their sheep, ensuring they are market-ready in a shorter time.

Gnee Bio Technology
Author : Gnee Bio TechnologyEstablished in 2011, TIANJIN GNEE BIO TECHNIQUE CO., LTD. has more than ten years of continuous research and development of a variety of Veterinary drugs, focusing on the health of your livestock, poultry, and pets.