Veterinary medicine for Argentinean farmers

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Veterinary medicine for Argentinean farmers

Applications : Vaccines, parasiticides and nutritional supplements, etc.

Case Description: A client in Argentina owns a family farm that is known for consistently supplying beef to the surrounding area. Due to the demands of large scale cattle farming in the area, they needed a reliable partner to meet their animal health requirements. We were recommended to them by one of our long-time customers, and once we understood the specifics of the situation, the client found that we could fulfill their needs with a range of products, including vaccines, parasiticides and nutritional supplements.

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A client in Argentina owns a family farm that is known for consistently supplying beef to the surrounding area.Due to the demands of large scale cattle farming in the area, they needed a reliable partner to meet their animal health requirements.Our long-standing client recommended us to them, and once we understood the specifics, the client found that we could fulfill their needs with a range of products, including vaccines, parasiticides and nutritional supplements.

Our vaccines play a very important role in preventing and controlling common cattle diseases such as foot and mouth disease and brucellosis, improving herd health issues, reducing and ensuring the safety of the meat supply.The parasiticides we provide have also reduced the incidence of internal and external parasites in cattle and increased their weight gain.

In addition to this, we use nutritional supplements to address specific nutritional deficiencies in the diet of the cattle, which are identified through a thorough understanding of the condition of the herd.By addressing these issues, our client’s herd has achieved faster growth, higher reproductive success and much improved herd health.

Now we are working even more closely with our client, and the client’s dairy farm has decided to work with us, due to the previous collective mastitis on the farm, which led to a rapid decline in the amount of cow products, and the dairy products are not edible, we firstly provided our mastitis vaccine to address the problem, and for the cows that had already been sick with the disease we combined the traditional antibiotic therapy with a new medication, which was compounded in, and the client followed our treatment program and then administered it.Our treatment program has greatly reduced the incidence of mastitis, increased milk production and improved farm profitability.